Matthew Danger Lippman - “Things Don’t Break My Heart Like They Used To"

Matthew Danger Lippman - “Things Don’t Break My Heart Like They Used To"

“Things Don’t Break My Heart Like They Used To,” is the final track on Matthew Danger Lippman’s new EP, Touchdown U.S.A., and it very much feels like a closer. It’s the kind of song that bluntly acknowledges the impact that the passage of time has on your psyche, particularly, how certain negative events and experiences can harden your outlook. Bad things happen, and they continue to happen. We get used to it. Things change for the worse, and we adapt to the new, shitty circumstances. Lippman delivers a necessary dose of reality with lyrics that are a bit tongue and cheek, and you kind of get the feeling that he’s trying to smirk through the misery with a Looney Toons reference in the second verse: “Thought my life had come to a standstill /And then the bad news dropped like an anvil / So many cartoon birds circling by.” Scout Gillett also contributes some gorgeous harmonies in the one-word chorus: “Why?” The song’s rhythm cruises along with Lippmann busting out a sick guitar solo around the halfway mark to liven things up a bit. 

Fun fact for all my neighbors: Lippman tracked the entire EP in his drummer Oliver Molson’s apartment, which is here in Jersey City.

Stream the song below!

You can purchase the entire EP via Bandcamp or stream it on your platform of choice. Keep up with Lippman by liking him on Facebook and following him on Instagram.

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