Max and the Martians - “Please Hold On”

Max and the Martians - “Please Hold On”

“Please Hold On,” my favorite track off of Max and the Martians’ brand new record, is a love song about loss. It’s gentle and delicate, moving at a pace that really captures the nature of processing grief. It’s steady-going and sweetly melancholic, as frontman Max Bien Kahn’s soft, expressive croon gives each syllable the feeling it requires, pausing briefly when necessary to allow those particularly moving words and phrases the space needed to settle in. Inspired by the passing of a family member and the desire to preserve the stories of their life, Bien Kahn’s authenticity is the song’s greatest strength. “Though, the stories that you told / and places that you hold dear / are moving on / I'll remember, I will tell them everything,” Bien Kahn sings in the second verse, delivering the lines with such pointed emotion that you may very well get misty-eyed after the final “everything” hits and a ringing riff guides the song to its conclusion. The guitars definitely enhance the mood with an aching jangle, as their tone adds an additional layer of feeling to a track that’s firmly packed with a ton of it. 

Stream the track below!

“Please Hold On” appears on the band’s second full length, All The Same, which is out now via Perpetual Doom. You can purchase a copy on limited edition white vinyl via Bandcamp. It’s also available on all streaming platforms. Keep up with Max by following him on Instagram and liking him on Facebook. Stay tuned for Max’s upcoming appearance on the Look At My Records! podcast.

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