Lovechild - "Sunshine"
“Sunshine,” the brand new single from New York City’s Lovechild, is an ode to the Big Apple and the licks many of its inhabitants have to endure during their time living in this rough city. There’s something unique and character-building about the type of hardships New Yorkers face, and the trio spills on some of these collective troubles, while also channeling the perseverance and resolve needed to overcome these struggles. In doing so, “Sunshine” essentially provides a guide for digging yourself out of a rough patch, starting with an isolated piano, and a tempo that steadily picks up as vocalist Leo Lovechild starts to face his troubles head-on, eventually proclaiming with gusto, “I won’t let the bullshit bring me down.” The track continues its energetic surge as Lovechild’s booming voice moves in lockstep with some twangy guitars - eventually unleashing a mammoth, fuzz-fueled riff that guides the song to its more subdued final verses. The song closes with Lovechild sublimely singing, “I’ll be the first one standing in line to greet the sunshine,” which nicely represents a well-earned triumph over hardship.
You can listen to “Sunshine” on your streaming platform of choice. Keep up with Lovechild by following them on Instagram and liking them on Facebook.