Laura Jinn - "I'm Driving To Target"

Laura Jinn - "I'm Driving To Target"

“I’m Driving To Target,” the new single from Brooklyn’s Laura Jinn, describes a situation that’s all too familiar to any respectable, self-loathing consumer. Yeah, you’re in a rut and feeling like complete shit, so why not indulge in some retail therapy as a means to escape your monotonous existence? That experience is at the crux of the song, as consuming can certainly provide an escape, albeit a fleeting one. The music that accompanies these musings on escape-driven consumption mixes elements of electro-pop with dark undertones and a rhythm that oscillates between placid and manic. The synths glisten and Jinn’s voice echoes as she sings in an endearing and sarcastic kind of sing-speak. She has some memorable lines, including my personal favorite: “When I walk in the lights are blinding, the cameras are turning, the cashiers are smiling, there’s nothing inside me that can’t use replacing. I’m gonna take this lipstick, and that’s just the beginning.” It really is just the beginning, as Jinn then proceeds to list in rapid-fire succession a slew of items that she scooped up, including Reeses Pieces (a personal favorite of peanut butter lovers everywhere), crop tops, and heart-shaped earrings.

“I’m Driving To Target” is the second single from Jinn’s forthcoming EP, Sick. You can purchase the track via Bandcamp or stream it on Spotify.  Keep up with Jinn by following her on Instagram.

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