Teen Angst - "Home In A Minute"

Teen Angst - "Home In A Minute"

Jangle pop is alive and well down under. On the east coast of Australia, Alex Macfarlane is still keeping his Hobbies Galore imprint humming, the Stroppies just released another delightful record of treble-heavy tunes, and the latest full-length from Rolling Blackouts C.F. certainly wouldn’t sound out of place on 1980s college radio alongside the likes of Miracle Legion, R.E.M., and Let’s Active. Out west, Teen Angst is letting their jingle and jangle ring out into the midday sun, making a strong case that ‘dolewave’ is thriving outside of Melbourne city limits. 

Like any good dolewave band, the Perth-based Teen Angst likes to turn their lyrical focus to everyday, commonplace happenings. Late-night cravings, finding comfort in late 20th-century television programming, and taking out the trash have all been the subject of their catchy tunes. They’ve also been known to throw in an occasional tennis metaphor. Their long-awaited debut record, Barn Sour, features more charming tracks that explore the monotony of normalcy. “Home In A Minute,” which falls smack in the middle of Barn Sour, is a song built perfectly in this thematic mold, as guitarist Michelle Yeong sings of ordinary absentmindedness like forgetting your keys and hoping you remembered to lock the front door. These endearingly relatable musings are set against a backdrop of some of the band’s finest guitar work. The song opens with some tight and magical twin guitar interplay, which shimmers throughout, playing nicely with a melodic, smooth bassline.

You can stream “Home In A Minute” below!

Follow Teen Angst on Spotify and Instagram. Barn Sour is also available to purchase on Bandcamp.

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