Episode 58: Resounding No

Gross Dominance

Gross Dominance

Episode 58 features a fun and spirited chat with New Brunswick, New Jersey's Resounding No! The band just released their impressive debut cassette, "Gross Dominance" in June on State Champion Records, and they were kind enough to stop by the Look At My Records! studio to talk all about it! Tune in to hear all about the band's formation, the recording process behind "Gross Dominance," and their plans for the remainder of 2018.  Plus, lots of interesting banter about records, the Pixies, and New Zealand. Oh, and I opened a Versing CD LIVE on the podcast. That one goes out to all y'all that love the sound of cellophane wrapping!!

You can purchase Gross Dominance on cassette via State Champion Records.

Resounding No is playing at WFMU's Monty Hall on Thursday August 16th with Vacation and Daddies! They'll also be performing at In The West in New Brunswick on October 12th with Kal Marks with The Royal They, and Glazer.

Thanks to Resounding No for hanging out!

Episode 59: Al Crisafulli

Episode 57: Sean Kiely