Episode 15: Zach Romano

Episode 15 just may be the most delightful installment of Look At My Records to date!

Here's the back story:  Zach Romano and Tom Gallo are BFFs.  They see a lot of live music together in the greater New York City area.  So, when Zach Romano crashed at Tom's place earlier this month, this dynamic best friend duo curated a playlist of some of the best live acts they've seen over the course of the last few years. 


Zach and Tom also discuss their favorite records of the year at the halfway point.  


They also have a few stories from their college radio days at Lafayette up their sleeves that may or may not leave you in stitches!  Shout out to WJRH at Lafayette College for putting up with my shenanigans.

Listen in for all the talk and tunes! 

Episode 16: Living Tradition

Episode 16: Living Tradition

Episode 14: The Lo-Fi's